Thursday, July 31, 2008

date: 7/31/08
time: my mothers house as usual
place: 8:42p.m.

today was the worst day ever, I'm being a little dramatic but it was bad bone the less. First i had to get up at 9:30 a.m to go to work, i usually do everything in the afternoon. Then when i got to work,i actually had to work in the heat. How aggravating? Then i had to work all my hours to get paid for all of them,that was definitely not the norm. After i got home, i decided that in order for me to blog everyday to fulfil my part of the deal,i needed to come to my mom's house. But i decided that my toes needed well wanted to be done so i stopped in the nail salon. I hate my toe nail polish. The salon didn't have any slippers so i rushed dry and when i arrived at my destination my toes were smudged. I sound real superficial right now, but i just know how i like them to look.But it couldve been worse, atleast i blogged.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

From this day forward,im blogging everyday

Date: 7/30/08
Time: 8:48p.m.
Place: my mothers house

Today's class was online. I'm almost positive that it was long, drawn out and kind of confusing. I would definitely prefer to be in a classroom setting. Today the class learned that we will blog everyday if we want the last day off, i think its a trick, because prof. knows that everyone will not be blogging everyday, including tonight. The whole class has to be dedicated in order for the deal to work. I will blog everyday but i just know I'm going to end up in class week 8. I'm almost done my paper but i hate writing conclusions, i wish someone would just write it for me already. Religion and the end of the world are driving me up a wall.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Time:11:51 a.m.
Place: My mother's house

Today is Saturday, and i am going to work for 9 should be fun. I'm having something like a hard time writing my paper. I know what i want to say and write about but i don't have 4 pages worth of stuff to say. I know and understand why religion plays such a huge role our lives and in everything that we do. Religion is our moral guide. It dictates what is right, wrong, acceptable and unacceptable in our lives.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Time: 9:03p.m
Place: Devry lab

Well it's Wednesday again. I can't believe that i actually find this stuff to be interesting. Today in class we watched a movie about the end of the world, Countdown to Armageddon. It was cool to see how other religious leaders envision the end of the world. At least no one claimed to be the prophet of God this time.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Date: 7/22/08
Time: 9:58p.m.
Place: My Mommy's crib

Well i just finish reading God's final Witness. The book was if nothing else entertaining. It was interesting to read how this mans mind works . I really do think that he believes everything that he put in the book. To me, i don't believe that he is very open minded or willing to hear what other peoples point of views are on the subject. He speaks as if he's the only one who knows, so man should just do what he says is in our best interest. It seems as if he is so pissed off with America and our power and control over the world, that he's ready to demolish America if nothing or no one else will. He even talks about there being a United States of Europe, after World War 3 destroys America and her closest allies.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Date: 7/16/08
Place: My mommy house

Today class was very entertaining to say the least. I was very happy to see that the whole class was in agreement as to how crazy Ronald Weinland is. He thnks that he is one of Gods prophets. That God is speaking to us through I thik the reasons that his books are free are because if he sold them, no one would but them. Some of the feeling s that i got while reading his book "God's Final Witness" were that he was a terrorist. He keeps speaking of a WW3 to end America's existence and then he speaks of the seventh sea, that will kill America and it's closest alies in the first four days.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Place: My mom's house

Today was very eventful. I got a job doing workstudy in student finance. I read a little of the book. I need to read alot more of the book, if i don't want my professor to be upset tomorrow night.I taught that i hated the very interesting. I still don't think that it should be called non-fiction, but it's a good read. I taught it was interesting that he said that God won't show us miracles so we can be believers like he did in the old days. And how about that, he's one of God's final witnesses. lol. This statement made me laugh.This book feels like the Bible- 2. He thinks hes a prophet. I keep reading about 1260 days. When should we start our countdown?

Monday, July 14, 2008

Time: 10:08p.m
Date: 7/14/08
Place: my mom's house

God;s final witness is actuaaly really interesting.While i still don't believe in the end of the world theory in 2012, it;s interesting to read why some might feel the end of the world is near.
when the author gave facts comparing the magnitutde and the increasing number of hurricanes, earthquakes, and storms that have occured over the past few years.It was entertaining to see him compare the end of the world to a womans labor pain.Then he speaksof a WW3, to end the existence of the United States. The book talks about people being non-believers. As shown from the bible, it's human nature to question the things which haven't been proved or things we can't see.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

It should be crime to have school work on a Saturday,

Date: 7/12/08
Time: 8:40 p.m.
Place: My sis Brandi house

I finally got to page 4 Atleast i started, right. I'm really going to read tomorrow. What i got from the book so far is that we should really read his first book. But he's convinced that this book is non- fiction. Can't wait for him to explain that one for me. When i looked at the description of the chapters, they were really interesting, i cant wait to read the the last three and a half years. That's enough of the book, I'm really disturbed with Devry and its policy regarding refunds. No one ever wants to give you your money back. And you think that being that you have an academic advisor that they'll give you the classes you need and not the ones you already have transfer credits for. wrong!!! I could have done better myself. It cost me $250.00 and a withdrawl grade. And no one could help. But it was a valuable lesson learned.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Time: 2:55p.m.
Date: 7/10/08
Place: My mother's room, on my brothers lap top

Well today i had to download the book, because obviously i still haven't received it as of yet. I'm about to leave this house and go to work. i walked all the way over here to pick my check and the mail man let me down again,maybe tomorrow.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!!!!

Time:6:02 p.m.
Place: Grand Army Plaza library, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Well I'm at the library because i can't post blogs through my I'm actually happy i came here today because this library has both of the books for class and i don't have to purchase any of them. I wish i would have looked up the syllabus before i went to class yesterday, i would have known to order the free book sooner, but that's okay though, I'll just download it on campus until my copy gets here. I have never taught about the end of the world until yesterday, but I'm now looking forward to reading and discussing the various ways in which people, religion and science says that the world is going to end. I'm not really looking forward to reading 124 pages about it but i might surprise myself and like the book. Its definitely different from the books I'm used to reading.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

end of the world

Time: 7:00p.m.
Place: Devry Lab

When i think of the end of the world, first thoughts how ridiculous. Who came up with the idea that was world was near its end. I think that I'll be long gone before the end of the world. That the world would never come to an end. I feel that humans will keep reproducing off springs and the human race will evolve, but the world would never end. Just like when we were coming into year 2000, everyone taught that the systems would crash and the end of the world would come, but as we see we are all still here. We'll be here in 2012, and long after. It's way too much new technology along with experiments and observations for this to be a concern. I have too many issues and real problems to worry about, before i think about the end of the world. Every one's going to die eventually.