Saturday, July 12, 2008

It should be crime to have school work on a Saturday,

Date: 7/12/08
Time: 8:40 p.m.
Place: My sis Brandi house

I finally got to page 4 Atleast i started, right. I'm really going to read tomorrow. What i got from the book so far is that we should really read his first book. But he's convinced that this book is non- fiction. Can't wait for him to explain that one for me. When i looked at the description of the chapters, they were really interesting, i cant wait to read the the last three and a half years. That's enough of the book, I'm really disturbed with Devry and its policy regarding refunds. No one ever wants to give you your money back. And you think that being that you have an academic advisor that they'll give you the classes you need and not the ones you already have transfer credits for. wrong!!! I could have done better myself. It cost me $250.00 and a withdrawl grade. And no one could help. But it was a valuable lesson learned.

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